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Free Sample Wyoming Articles of Incorporation

Below you will find a sample Wyoming articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in Wyoming.  So why would we give you free sample Wyoming articles of incorporation?  Our competitors wanted to know also.

We hope that if you want to start a business Wyoming, form a Wyoming LLC or incorporate a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation and you don't want to handle the process on your own, you'll consider using

If you just want free sample Wyoming articles of incorporation or related documents, feel free to grab them from this page.


Wyoming Articles of Incorporation (For Profit Corporation)
Wyoming Secretary of State Phone (307) 777-7312/7311
Corporation Division Fax: (307) 777-5339
The State Capitol E-Mail:
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
1. Corporate Name: _________
2. Registered Agent Name: _________
3. Address of Registered Agent (Must be a Wyoming Street Address which is identical to the registered agent's business office. Must include street address/city/ state/ zip. No Post Office Boxes or Mail Drop Boxes.): _________
4. Number and Class of Shares the Corporation Will Have the Authority to Issue: _________
Number and Class of Shares Which Are Entitled to Receive the Net Assets upon Dissolution: _________
5. Address for Mailing Annual Report Form:
6. Incorporators (List names and addresses of each incorporator.)
7. Execution (All incorporators must sign.)
 Printed Name Signature Date
8. Contact Name Daytime Phone Number
_________ _________
1) Fee: $100.00
2) Make Check Payable to Secretary of State.
3) Articles must be accompanied by a written consent to appointment executed by the registered agent.
Rev. 7/96
State of Wyoming
The Capitol
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020
I, _________ voluntarily consent to serve as the registered agent for
on the date shown below.
The registered agent certifies that he is: (circle one)
a. An individual who resides in this state and whose business office is identical with the registered office;
b. A domestic corporation or not-for-profit domestic corporation whose business office is identical with the registered office; or
c. A foreign corporation or not-for-profit foreign corporation authorized to transact business in this state whose business office is identical with the registered office.
Dated this _________ day of _________, 19_________.
[Signature of Registered Agent]
Revised: 4/97
To incorporate your company in the state of Wyoming you must file articles of incorporation in the Secretary of State's office and it shall be accompanied by one (1) exact or photo copy. The articles must be in compliance with Wyoming statutes 17-16-120 and 17-16-202. In addition the articles must be accompanied by a written consent to appointment manually signed by the registered agent.
Should you require further information concerning corporations, please do not hesitate to contact the Corporations division at (307) 777-7311. Corporations can also be contacted by e-mail:
Other Required Filing:
Annual Reports due on or before the first day of your registration month.
1. The Articles of Incorporation shall be accompanied by a written consent to appointment executed by the registered agent. The registered agent must have a physical address in Wyoming.
2. Articles of Incorporation shall be accompanied by one (1) exact or photo copy.
3. Please review form prior to submitting to the Secretary of State to ensure all areas have been completed to avoid a delay in the processing of your documents.

If these free sample Wyoming articles of incorporation (or related documents) meet your needs, then think of us next time you want to start a business in Wyoming.

If these free sample Wyoming articles of incorporation didn't meet your needs and you'd like to start a business in Wyoming, we'd love to see if we can help.  Visit today or call 866-992-5425.