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Free Sample Ohio Articles of Incorporation

Below you will find a sample Ohio articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in Ohio.  So why would we give you free sample Ohio articles of incorporation?  Our competitors wanted to know also.

We hope that if you want to start a business Ohio, form a Ohio LLC or incorporate a Ohio Nonprofit Corporation and you don't want to handle the process on your own, you'll consider using

If you just want free sample Ohio articles of incorporation or related documents, feel free to grab them from this page.


Ohio Articles of Incorporation (Non Profit Corporation) 

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(Under Ohio Revised Code Ch 1702) Non-Profit Corporation
The undersigned, desiring to form a corporation, not for profit, under Ohio Revised Code §§ 1702.01 et seq., do hereby state the following:
FIRST. The name of said corporation shall be: _______________
SECOND. The place in Ohio where its principal office is to be located is _________, _________ County, Ohio
THIRD. The purpose(s) for which this corporation is formed is:
FOURTH. The following persons, not less than three, shall serve said corporation as trustees until the first annual meeting or other meeting called to elect trustees.
(Please print or type the names of the trustees. Trustees need not sign.)

_________(street address)
_________(zip code);
_________(street address)
_________(zip code);
_________(street address)
_________(zip code);
_________(street address)
_________(zip code);

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names on _________[date].
By: _________, Incorporator
Name: _________
By: _________, Incorporator
Name: _________
By: _________, Incorporator
Name: _________
1. The fee for filing Articles of Incorporation for a non-profit corporation is $25.00.
2. Articles will be returned unless accompanied by an Original Appointment of Statutory Agent. Please see Ohio Revised Code §1702.06.

If these free sample Ohio articles of incorporation (or related documents) meet your needs, then think of us next time you want to start a business in Ohio.

If these free sample Ohio articles of incorporation didn't meet your needs and you'd like to start a business in Ohio, we'd love to see if we can help.  Visit today or call 866-992-5425.