Below you will find a sample Missouri articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in Missouri. So why would we give you free sample Missouri articles of incorporation? Our competitors wanted to know also.
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Missouri Articles of Incorporation (Non Profit Instructions)
We hope the following information will be helpful when you organize a Nonprofit Corporation under Chapter 355 RSMo. DO NOT confuse this type of corporation with the Pro Forma Corporation or Benevolent Associations formed through the Circuit Courts under Chapter 352 RSMo.
The purposes for which a Nonprofit corporation may be organized are in section 355.025 RSMo.
Each corporation must have at least a president and/or chairman, secretary and treasurer. The same individual may simultaneously hold more than one office.
All Nonprofit corporations must file an annual report each year listing their officers and directors. This report is due by August 31st. Corporations do not owe an annual report in their first year of existence in Missouri. The corporation will not remain in good standing if the report is not filed by November 30th.
These forms must be submitted in duplicate, with original signatures.
The following instructions are for use with our forms. If the requirements of the law are not met, or if any blanks are not completed, it may be necessary for us to return the forms for correction.
Article 1: The name of the corporation must be distinguishable upon the records of the Secretary of State from any other domestic/foreign corporation, domestic/foreign limited partnership, or domestic/foreign limited liability company registered to do business in the state of Missouri.
Article 2: Indicate whether the corporation is a public or mutual benefit corporation, pursuant to Chapter 355.881 RSMo. This designation can be determined as follows:
A Any corporation which is designated (public benefit or mutual benefit) by law is that type of corporation.
B Any corporation organized primarily or exclusively for religious purposes is a public benefit corporation.
C Any corporation recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code is a public benefit corporation.
D Any corporation organized for public or charitable purposes which upon dissolution must distribute it's assets to:
(1) A public benefit corporation, or
(2) The United States, or
(3) A state, or
(4) A person that is exempt under 501(c)(3) is a public benefit corporation.
E If the corporation does not come under sections A,B,C, or D above, is a mutual benefit corporation.
Article 3: The duration or life of the corporation will be perpetual, unless otherwise stated.
Article 4: Each corporation must appoint and maintain a registered agent and address in Missouri. The registered address must include a physical address such as a street, route or highway number—a post office box alone is not acceptable.
Article 5: The law requires a minimum of one (1) incorporator who must be a natural person, age 18 or more.
Article 6: Indicate whether or not the corporation has members.
Article 7: The corporation must provide for the distribution of its assets upon dissolution according to sections 355.661 through 355.746.
Article 8: The article listing the purposes of the corporation should state at least a one sentence definition of the specific purpose for which the corporation is organized. You may include, if you wish, the statement "and all other legal powers permitted a Nonprofit Corporation."
The incorporation fee is $_____ with a check made payable to the "Director of Revenue" can be mailed to Office of Secretary of State, Corporation Division, at any of the following addresses:
MO State Information Center
Wainwright State Office Bldg.
600 W. Main / PO Box 778
111 N. 7th St., Room 225
Jefferson City, MO 65102
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 751-2359 or 751-4544
(314) 340-7490
Springfield State Office Bldg.
KC State Office Bldg.
149 Park Central Sq., Room 1019
615 E. 13th St., 5th Floor
Springfield, MO 65806
Kansas City, MO 64106
(417) 895-6330
(816) 889-2925
If these free sample Missouri articles of incorporation (or related documents) meet your needs, then think of us next time you want to start a business in Missouri.
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