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Free Sample Missouri Articles of Incorporation

Below you will find a sample Missouri articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in Missouri.  So why would we give you free sample Missouri articles of incorporation?  Our competitors wanted to know also.

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Missouri Articles of Incorporation (instructions only)
1. Pursuant to 351.060 RSMo, articles of incorporation may be submitted to this office by an incorporator or a representative of the corporation.
2. The name of the corporation:
A The name shall not be the same as, or deceptively similar to, the name of any domestic corporation currently in existence, or any foreign corporation which is qualified and in good standing, or a name which is currently reserved.
B The corporate name may not be one that might falsely imply governmental affiliation.
C The words Cooperative, Bank, Insurance and Redevelopment may not be used in a corporate title for a Chapter 351 or 355 corporation.
D Name Check. Before drafting articles of incorporation it is imperative that you check with this office concerning the availability of the desired name. This may be done by telephone or mail. Call (314) 751-3317 or write. Even though a name may have been checked with us for availability, CHECKS, LETTERHEADS, SEALS or SHARE CERTIFICATES ordered prior to incorporation are done at your own risk. We recommend that nothing be printed until a name is incorporated by this office and you have received your certificate of incorporation from us.
E Reservation of corporate name. Forms for application for reservation are available in this office, or you may make application in letter form. For a fee of $_____, a name may be reserved for 60 days. The fee must be sent at the time of application.
3. While a corporation may have only one director and one incorporator, it must fill the position of both president and secretary. These officers may be the same person, as in the case of a director and incorporator.
4. While the corporation need not have a Missouri resident as an incorporator or board member, it must have a registered agent and office in Missouri.
5. We determine the incorporation fee by multiplying the par value of the shares of stock (or $_____ for no par stock) by the aggregate number of shares authorized. The fee is based on this "authorized capital." The fee is $_____ for any amount up to $_____ and $_____ more for each additional $_____ of authorized capital. To this total, add $_____ for the filing fee. A minimum incorporation fee based on the above information would then be $_____.
6. The article listing the purposes should include at least one sentence which defines the specific purpose for which the corporation is organized (e.g. what it will do to make a profit) and then you may include, if desired, a statement "and all other legal acts permitted general and business corporations."
7. We suggest that you use our forms (even if you copy them); they comply completely with Missouri law. Any forms which you send us should be legible; either typewritten or neatly and clearly printed.
8. Articles must be submitted in duplicate; one copy must be an original and one may be a photocopy. The original must have seals and signatures which are originals.
9. The documents must be notarized.
Feel free to call our office with any questions you may have concerning these instructions. Our New Corporations Desk may be reached at (314) 751-4544 or 2359.
Ltr. No. 8 (12-94)

If these free sample Missouri articles of incorporation (or related documents) meet your needs, then think of us next time you want to start a business in Missouri.

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