Below you will find a sample Iowa articles of incorporation and/or related documents. (the sponsor of this site) helps people like you incorporate a business in Iowa. So why would we give you free sample Iowa articles of incorporation? Our competitors wanted to know also.
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Iowa Articles of Incorporation (for profit)
Articles of Incorporation of _________
To the Secretary of State of the State of Iowa:
Pursuant to IA Model Business Corporation Act §202, the undersigned, acting as incorporator[s] of a corporation, adopts the following articles of incorporation for the corporation.
1. The name of the corporation is _________.
2. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is _________.
3. The street address of the corporation's initial registered office in Iowa and the name of its initial registered agent at that office is:
_________[name of initial
[registered agent]
_________[street address]
_________[city, zip]
4. The name and address of each incorporator is:
_________[city, state, zip]
_________[city, state, zip]
5. [Additional provisions, if any.]
[Optional] The effective date and time of this document is
1. The filing fee is $50.
2. The document is to be signed by the incorporator or incorporators. A copy of a signature is acceptable for filing. Verification is not required.
3. Two copies of the document are to be delivered to the secretary of state for filing.
4. The effective time and date of the document is the later of the following:
a. the time of filing on the date it is filed;
b. the time specified in the document on the date it is filed;
c. the time and date specified in the document, not later than 90 days after the date it is filed.
5. The articles of incorporation must prescribe the classes of shares and the number of shares of each class that the corporation is authorized to issue. If more than one class of shares is authorized, the articles of incorporation must prescribe a distinguishing designation for each class, and, prior to the issuance of the shares of a class, the preferences, limitations, and relative rights of that class must be described in the articles of incorporation.
6. This form is intended to include no more than the absolute minimum of information required for incorporation under the Iowa Business Corporation Act.
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